CMMC Acronym Soup - The Terms You Need to Know

Understand all the Acronyms related to CMMC and NIST 800-171 as you navigate your cybersecurity compliance journey.

Government agencies frequently use acronyms to communicate more efficiently and effectively. The use of acronyms allows government employees to communicate complex and lengthy ideas or concepts in fewer words, making them easier to understand and communicate within the agency. Acronyms are frequently used as a form of shorthand, allowing government officials to refer to important programs, policies, or procedures without having to spell out the entire name. While acronyms can be a useful tool for government agencies, they can also be confusing or inaccessible to the general public or employees who are unfamiliar with the agency's specific jargon or terminology.
As a result, government agencies must strike a balance between using acronyms to improve internal communication and avoiding creating unnecessary barriers to understanding for the public or other stakeholders. As CMMC continues to emerge so do all the new terms and acronyms. Here is a list of all the new ones you need to be aware of and some you might recognize. 

Acronym Description
DoD Department of Defense
OUSD(A&S) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
SPRS Supplier Performance Risk System
DIB Defense Industrial Base
OSC Organization Seeking Certification
CMMC Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification
C3PA0 CMMC Third-Party Assessment Organization
CAICO  CMMC Assessors and Instructors Certification Organization 
CCP Certified CMMC Professional
PA Provisional Assessor
CCA Certified CMMC Assessor
RP Registered Practitioner
RPA Registered Practitioner Advanced
RPO Registered Practitioner Organization
LTP Licensed Training Provider (for CMMC)
LPP Licensed Publishing Partner (for CMMC)
PI Provisional Instructor
CCI Certified CMMC Instructor
CUI Controlled Unclassified Information
FCI Federal Contract Information
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
SSP System Security Plan
POAM Plan of Action & Milestone

These acronyms are frequently used in CMMC-related discussions, documents, and assessments, and are important for contractors and organizations seeking to comply with the CMMC requirements to understand.

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